No matter what your office looks like—in a gig economy or a more traditional one, with or without AI—interviews will be a part of the culture. Learning about best practices benefits everyone, whether you are the interviewer or the interviewee. Especially at busy times, it can be easy to forget that an interview isn’t simply to learn about potential coworkers. In fact, a solid interview often uncovers and develops potential growth strategies for future-looking companies.
Sometimes, solutions are as simple as learning what to do with your body. Recently Human Resource Executive reported some of the biggest mistakes job seekers made during an interview, including failure to make eye contact or to smile, playing with something on the table, or fidgeting.
Another tried-and-true technique for success, no matter what side of the table you’re on, is listening—not only to what the interviewee is saying, but to what they’re not saying too. Listening between the lines doesn’t mean you’re being suspicious; rather, it helps uncover frustrations and challenges that a future employee might not be comfortable voicing right away. Shining light on such situations helps everyone move forward.
In nearly all instances, it’s important to remember that there is no one “right” interview style for everyone—or even for a certain business on a certain day. The strongest leaders (and the most forward-thinking companies) are adaptable, and change their styles as needed to fit a given situation.
Read “Unusual Interview Mistakes and Body Language Mishaps”
Read “How to Stop Saying ‘Um,’ ‘Ah,’ and ‘You Know’”
Read “These 6 Communication Styles Should Be In Every Leader’s Toolbox”
©Copyright 2018 by Bill Olsen, VP Marketing & Communications at United Benefit Advisors. Reproduction permitted with attribution to the author.
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